Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sandy Hook Elementary School Gun Control Reform Bill Proposal

A Bill Proposal Addressing Gun Control Reform 
A bill addressing gun-control reform with a common sense approach using technology to compromise on both sides of the issue.

1. Proactive Oversight
2. Safeguarding Our Freedoms
3. Protecting Our Citizens
4. Thwarting and Preventing Gun-Related Deaths

a) Require gun manufacturers to install tracking chips in assault weapons (a compromise on a federal ban)
b) Chips send out signals that can be monitored and tracked using computer software 
c) Chips within designated areas, schools, malls, banks etc., will alert officials and authorities immediately 
d) Weapons w/ a chip in designated areas can be tracked & identified for potential threats 
e) Chips tampered w/ or removed send a signal to law enforcement that a weapon went illegally off the grid 
f) Implement a federal ban on all assault weapons not containing the tracking chip 
g) Weapons can be sent into manufacturers for proper chip installment and tracking making them legal
b) Close gun show loopholes allowing 30% - 40% of guns to be purchased without background checks
c) Require federal laws for gun schooling, testing, and evaluation including mental health to obtain a gun permit
d) a basic test that needs to be taken in order to purchase a gun. Just like a driver license 
e) Create school programs like G.A.R.E. (Gun Abuse Resistance Education) to educate the next generation of Americans about gun safety, gun law, gun history, gun violence and appropriate uses for guns

We Need to Change Our Way of Thinking 
The bottom line is we need to change our way of thinking. We need to stop denying the fact that guns play a major role in the amount of gun-related deaths we see as a country. We also need to study what other countries are doing right, compared to what we are doing wrong. Then we need to use that information to change, fix, and reform our gun laws here in the United States.
Tracking Chips in Deadly Weapons May Seem Far-Fetched But...
It may seem far-fetched requiring gun manufactures to install small tracking devices in weapons - a gps chip that sends out a signal that can be monitored and tracked through computer software. But the US Government, through the NSA, is already monitoring and tracking every single phone call and email, in every language, that goes in and out of the country from around the world. 

Most Americans would agree this kind of information is private. Yet, there are US government employees who are sitting in a room right now listening to phone calls and reading emails from every day Americans. The information is stored, monitored, tracked, and scanned supposedly to thwart terrorism. But now it's being used for all types of crimes that are committed here in the US. So, if the US government can monitor that kind of information, than surely we can monitor weapons, starting with assault rifles, like the ones used in the horrific shooting in Newtown, CT. 

A Way To Compromise On An All Out Federal Assault Weapons Ban
Instead of reinstating an assault weapons ban, as a compromise, people can agree to the gps tracking chip option. Gun manufactures can also install the chips within the weapons so if they are tampered with the chip will send out a signal letting law enforcement know that a weapon has went off the grid illegally. Or if gun manufacturers were real smooth they could develop a way to make a weapon chamber lock up and become inoperable in the event that the gps tracking chip is tampered with. 

How The Chip Would Work 
When weapons with the tracking chip go within a certain range of a schools, mall, bank, college campus, etc., etc., the software at those facilities will pick up the signal and alert officials and employees immediately via alarm, text, email, cellphone, phone call, and any other type of warning. Those officials or security personnel will be able to track the signal and the weapon, identify who it belongs to, and determine whether or not it is a threat. The signal will also be sent to law enforcement who will do the same. If law abiding gun owners have nothing to hide, than there shouldn't be a problem with installing a chip that notifies authorities when a gun is in the wrong place. 

Chip System Could Slowly Become the Norm
Slowly but surely these weapons will become the norm and this same type of oversight could be implemented to hand guns. If this system had been in place at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the Principle and authorities, would have been notified immediately once a weapon came into the range of the school. Locations can increase the area and perimeter around their facility for where the software can pick up a signal from a chip. This would have provided teachers and administrators with much more time to react, hide the kids, and prepare non-lethal weapons in self-defense such as tasers, pepper spray, beanbag guns etc., etc. This system would also have enabled first responders to get to the scene much quicker to stop the gunman.

Big Brother Is Already Watching You
NSA is the biggest big brother around and most Americans don't even know that they have access to phone calls, emails, text message and all other forms of communication. So, if the NSA can access that kind of information for our "safety", than why not with the agreement of assault rifle owners, avoid a assault weapons ban, and as a compromise allow weapons to be monitored using a chip. This monitoring will only take place when a weapon goes into the vicinity of a designated area or locations where they already do not belong.

Congress is about to push real hard to reinstate an assault weapons ban. So what would gun owners prefer a) let assault weapons get banned and made illegal or b) compromise with an option to keep assault weapons legal by choosing the tracking chip option?